Welcome to the Booth Lusteg Blog

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Comments: 2
  • #2

    Marian & Bill Cunningham (Saturday, 19 October 2019 14:21)

    The site is awesome Mr Lusteg was a kind, sweet, caring & fair man we respected & loved him & I miss him too.. thanks for sharing his journey he was an amazing man RIP/SIH MR LUSTEG ����

  • #1

    Linae (Friday, 19 April 2019 12:48)

    I miss my grandpa so much ❤️❤️



Some of Booth's favorite mottos:


  • "It's not your aptitude that determines your altitude, but it's your attitude with a little intestinal fortitude!"
  • "Expect to win, and refuse to lose"
  • "Take the positive out of any negative situation"
  • "Doubt sees the obstacles, Faith sees the opportunities"
  •  "In the morning, you can act not as if you've been shot BY the cannon, but as if         you've  been shot OUT of the cannon!"
  •   "Every failure is one step closer to success. Failure is the process one must  go          through.  Every failure is an opportunity in disguise. Evert failure is another chance to  prove them all wrong. The road to success is always under construction"
  •    "Your glass is half full, not half empty"
  •  "There's a 50% chance of sunshine, not a 50% chance of rain"
  •  "You can make a heaven out of hell, or a hell out of heaven, It's all how you look at     it.  ATTITUDE is EVERYTHING!"
  •  "Where the elite meet and the wise surmise"
  •  "Overcome your rejection and dejection with outward projection and                               upward  ejection"     

         Excerpt from the book:

         "If you want something bad enough, that you'll go out and fight for it;

         Work day and night for it, give up your peace, your rest, and your sleep for it,

         If ALL that you dream and you scheme is about it,

         And life seems useless and worthless without it;

         If you will gladly sweat for it, fret for it,

         Lose all your fear of the opposition for it;

         If you simply go after that thing that you want,

         With ALL of your capacity, strength and sagacity,

         Faith, hope, confidence and stern pertinacity,

         If neither cold, poverty, famine nor trial,

         Sickness and pain of body and brain,

         Can keep you away from that thing that you want,

         If dogged and grim, you beseech and beset it,

         With the help of God, YOU...WILL...GET...IT!!

Gooster & Linae at Disney
Gooster & Linae at Disney

Enjoying adventures with his grand daughter, even while battling 4th stage cancer.